I have decided that I must post something everyday on this blog of mine, or it makes no sense on having it. So, starting today, Sunday 30th 2011, I will post something, anything, I might even dig up old poems and post them, if I have nothing else.
Even though it is Sunday morning, I am going to say tonight since I haven't slept yet. So, Tonight was my bi-monthly game night. I really do enjoy these evenings, it allows me to spend time out of the house, with friends shooting the shit, and I get to watch them squirm when I almost kill them in one shot.
If you haven't figured it out, or don't know. I play Dungeon and Dragons, have for decades,yes, I said decades. I have played D&D since I was 8, a good portion of the time, I have been the Dungeon Master, or DM. I do enjoy my role as the DM, scouring through books, finding the right combination of critters to throw on the board, and seeing the looks of my players faces as I hit them for stupid amounts of damage, or inflict their characters with poisons and afflictions. I know it all sounds sick. but, when things go wrong in your real life, everyone needs escape, some use booze, some use drugs, I use D&D.
D&D is expensive at first, books range from mid $20's and can go to mid $40's and if you are a collector, you pay $70+ for the leather bound collector's edition, even if there really isn't anything special about it. and every month or so, a new book comes out, and I might pick it up, if I have the money, or not. really depends if I think that I will use it. But, once the books are bought, and the pencils are sharpened, and you have your dice (because you don't just have your plain old white six-sided dice. see above image.) You really truly can start, and the only thing that the game needs is a story, players, and your imagination. My friend Beth is a children's librarian. She has never played before, and on multiple occasions does better than her husband, Larry, who has played as long as I have. With Matt, this is another social function, he has a great time playing, and enjoys hanging out with all of us gamers. And, Justin, my game is just one of many that he actually plays. now that we have our books, all we have to spend now, is a little gas to get to game, or to grab supplies we need, a little bit of time and energy gathering our stuff, and even more time to sit at a table, with comrades in arms, ready to fight the next evil thing that I throw at them, and I sit at the head of the table running the story, and I love it.
I don't know about the other four, but for me, Dungeon and Dragons was always a means of escape. The chance to be somebody else, with different problems (most of them greater than what I am dealing with), and living in a different world. It is always nice to look at the things that I have to deal with and be able to tell them to piss off for two to three hours for an evening once or twice a month. To me, D&D is like having a small vacation over and over and over again. I will always play, I will always have the books, and I will always try to invite new people into the fold. So, that being said, Would you like to get away for a little bit?
If you are interested, go to www.wizards.com/dnd for more information. Love ya guys, ttyl. Scott
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