

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day Five and a weekend recap, and a preview to my Monday.

Day 1: Nine things about yourself.
Day 2: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day 3: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 4: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day 5: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day 6: Four turn offs.
Day 7: Three turn ons.
Day 8: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day 9: One confession.

Day 5: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

This list will be done in groups. It is nearly impossible for me to pick five, when usually one comes with the other. So, if you don't like my bending of the rules. oh well.
  1. The Adcock Clan~ Larry, Beth, Dalton, And Colton, oh and the dog, Doc. They are my second family. I feel that way about them, and they seem to feel that way about me. Larry and I have known each other since I was 6, i think, when our father bowled on the same team for Western Rubber. Beth and I Have been great friends over the years. I enjoy my time with her immensely, we always seem to make each other laugh and have "thought provoking" conversation.
  2. The Mason Clan~ Dawn, Amanda, Mackenzie, and Tristan, and the dogs Honey Bear and Eli. How crazy our times together have been. To go from being barflies to gabbing on the phone like teenage girls, only one of us might know how that is, and it's not me. I have never had so much fun with someone I am a fan of, and have them be a fan of me as well. Love ya girls and kids. Dogs, you guys are okay.
  3. Kristen Riggs~ You are truly a beautiful person, inside and out. I love you dearly and I fear that I fucked up our friendship. I cried when I think about it. I fear that it might be true. Please forgive me, you are too beautiful of a soul to lose.
  4. Justin Heflin and Kent Gross~ You guys have been fabulous to me, every time I go down there, I feel the love. Justin, Dearest cousin, You are an amazing man. I never would have dreamed that we would have reconnected and have had this incredible time together. Kent, You might not realize how sweet you are. You and Justin are a disgusting sweet match, makes me a little jealous and a lot happy every time i see the two of you.
  5. Rowdy Halter and Steve Steffey~ I know that there is a third member to the group, but, I haven't had as much time with him as I have the two of you. You guys are so much fun, I have a ball each and every time I am at your place. Rowdy, your spirit is phenomenal. You fill the room, even when you are silent. Thank you for being beautiful. Love ya! Steve, a being with unrestrained and fabulous energy within. You make me smile and laugh all the time. I love spending time with the both of you.
The Packers won, but, more importantly, I got to watch Glee! I will have more to talk about Glee on Weds. Now a small preview for my Monday. I am going to see my cousin down in Fort Wayne today, and I am kinda going on a date.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I got a singled out shout-out. I feel special! And no, Scotty, you haven't fucked it up. Life takes us on a journey of twists and turns, and within the drama, people are sometimes left in the background while other issues take the foreground. Luckily, I love the background because it means I'm still here just waiting to be moved downstage :-) I know we both have our things we are dealing with and although we might not get the opportunity to talk, you are still on my mind. See I read the blog!! We shall talk soon. Mwah! <3
