

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sleeping With The Enemy...

Now, this isn't some sort of talking about the movie, or me admitting that I am sleeping with Osama Bin Ladin, (I'm not. I would have ratted him out a long time ago. I don't care how good he is in bed.) But anyway, What tempts you? What won't get out of your head? What is the thing that hurts as much as it seems to heal?
I started to think of my mom, she has a small problem, And those of you who know me, know it isn't small. Well, My mother had surgery almost three weeks ago, and she is on some serious painkillers. If she were to delve into her problem, well, let's put it this way, her problem and the painkillers don't mix... AT ALL. When we saw her doctor last, he informed her that if she were to mix those two things, it could kill her. Now, here is where the temptation sets in. Before we went to the doctor's office, we went to Wal-Mart, and even though I protested and bitched and moaned, she bought her little problem. And now that she is armed with the info of what could happen, her little problem stares at her on the bottom shelve of the refrigerator. I personally don't know how she does it.
I have another friend who is being very brave, because he doesn't like the man he is. Because an addiction has ruled his life. And he is going to try everything in his power to fight. From reading what he is going through, I realize that I have the same problem. I am not afraid to say that I take care of my need almost every day. But, it is hard not to, the stimuli are everywhere. I mean, come on, the internet itself is my biggest source. And what would happen if I try to stop, well, I know that I have a condition that if I don't take care of myself I could get sick. I know it is weird to think about if you are following my train of thought here, but, I was informed by a doctor that I have a physical condition that if I refrain too long, I could make myself very sick. How crappy is that? I just need to learn about moderation. And as a Child of the Scales, Libra, I made up that Child of the Scales thing, though I may use it in a Dungeon and Dragons game, hmm. Anyway, Moderation is my friend, we are distant friends, well, more like acquaintances, actually, I don't know moderation. Go Big or go home! One of my mottoes. Hmm, I think it might be time for me to get another motto.
How do you get through those rough patches? What do you do in place of the thing that you are trying not to do? I feel that my life will be filled with trying to answer those two questions.

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