

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Perceptions of self....

I have been running around the town today, going to and fro, being my typical self. Each of these places I encountered different groups of people. Now me being the same person at each of these places I wondered; How am I being currently perceived?
The main reason why I ask this of myself is just because I know what my intent was, but, other people don't. Like at the physical therapist's office today, I was in the room with my mother, Her therapist was helping her out, testing her body as to what it can do, and I sat there, reading on my Nook. I was thinking that I was looking rather studious. But I could have looked like a snob, sitting there with my fancy little gizmo. Though I love my fancy little gizmo, I do not mean to flaunt it around, I am just using the damn thing, I mean no harm.
Later in the day, Mom wanted to go to the VFW chapter in Goshen. I really don't care for the place, but, it is a nice place to go for service people that have been in the foreign wars. It's not my thing, so, I don't bitch that often. So, while we are there several news stories came up (The Congressman who decided to answer an ad on Craigslist, the study that diet pop isn't as good for you as originally thought), well it got me talking with the bartender and one of the ladies that I do know from my volunteer work with them, We talked the shit out of these topics, plus a few others, but, I include some comedy. Now, to the people I was talking to I am sure that I appeared witty and funny, opinionated, and intelligent. And to the people that were at the other end of the bar, I am sure that I was annoying. I also don't care.
I feel that it is futile to even try to keep everyone happy,I will just continue to do my own thing. It's my own thing that keeps me happy. I am not sure that is a good way to go, but, I make my choices and I live with them.

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